
Client’s email of complement

I wanted to thank and praise Gary Foo’s performance during the suit making process. He has been extremely detail oriented, attentive to my needs and quick to recommend the right next steps throughout. He was concerned about getting it absolutely right and there was no doubt in my mind that he was mindful of the total holistic experience (that extends beyond just making a suit). I am proud of this new suit that we’ve created together.

-Nigel Kong


Thanks so much for the follow up, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments for the perceived slimming effects from the suit that you have created and that was exactly what I wanted. It was a pleasure getting served by you and you have shown me the utmost professionalism.

-Mr Gurmit Singh,


Very pleasant, attentive and we felt it was a “tailored” experience during various suggestions and evolutions that was catered to our particular tastes. You took a personal interest which made us feel our wedding was really special too in your eyes which only can be due to personal passion, dedication from a committed profession. Steve was asked by many on his outfit and it was completely befitting of the wedding Solemnization at Suburia Sentos setting.

-Yen & Steve


Gary has been a great consultant and have offered me a myriad of styling services both within and out of his office hours. Am extremely grateful to him for guiding through the arena of styling fashion. He has always been sincere and earnest in helping to open up a different type of image that I was once unfamiliar to and now very appreciative of.

-Stephen Joshua


Client’s complement from Facebook –

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